Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Wow- I'm finally caught up to the current month in my much abridged recap of the last six months! In some of my previous posts, I mentioned that Scot was out of town last weekend. That's because him and some of his buddies went on a motorcycle trip. The original plan was to go to West Virginia, camp out, and spend a couple of days riding through the mountains in the area. However, he ended up calling me Saturday night from the Atlantic Ocean! I'll let him post some of his pictures/stories from the trip in a separate entry. However, here are some pics of him getting ready for the bike ride. Scot got a new tent for his birthday, so he wanted to do a "trial run" to make sure he could set it with no problems before they left. Here are some pics of him and the boys "camping out" in our living room the weekend before his trip.
Scot and Matt taking inventory and laying everything out.

Matt helping to put the rods together. Doesn't he look like he's 7 ft tall in this picture?

Mission completed! Note Scot's cheesy grin- this is what happens when you ask someone to pose against their will!

Matt, Andy, and Harli taking a tour of the inside.

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