Sunday, March 09, 2008

Spring? Is that you?

OK- so even though the weather is definitely not Spring-like outside, I did manage to add a little bit of Spring to our home. On a trip to Lowe's yesterday to buy lighting for the weight room we are finishing in the basement, I came across a display of potted flowers.

I ended up buying some tulips and some hyacinths. It was a complete impulse purchase, but definitely warranted. Not only are they so refreshing to look at, but the Hyacinth's fragrance fills the whole house (although Andy says they smell like nasal spray to him...not sure what that's all about.)

Here are a couple of pictures of my Spring additions. I figured that I better take pictures of them now to preserve their beauty, because there is a good chance they won't survive long in my house!

Also- my in-laws came up this afternoon so we could all go out for lunch to celebrate Matt's and my birthdays. Scot's mom is a scrapbooking and card-making machine. She is so creative and very talented with her cards. I had to take a picture of the card that she made me, although the photo doesn't do it justice. Below is the envelope, yes the envelope. It's hard to tell from the picture, but the circles are 3-dimensional. Also- you'll notice in the corner is my favorite... a dragonfly! I actually think I am going to frame this and put it on my desk at work.

Here is the card. It's kind of hard to tell from the picture, but my name is spelled out in the flowers. It is just too cute, and totally fits the Spring-fever mood I am in! Thanks, Michele!


Anonymous said...

So glad you like the card and envelope, Kim. Loved your Spring flowers from Lowe's ~ simply telepathic with the floral theme! It was great fun getting together with everyone Sunday for lunch & Matt's concert. Have a safe trip to KC. Love to all, Michele.

amy7252 said...

OK, you officially get a "boo!!" for not blogging in so long. What's going on in the Haines household these days? ;)

Scott, Victoria, Hannah and Caleb said...

It's almost Summer...Spring is almost over...

amy7252 said...

You are now officially demoted to my weekly read list on my blog ... all you need is a few new posts to bump back up to daily status ... hint hint!!

Laura said...

haha, Amy. Do you think Kim is even reading your comment? Kim where are you?? Are you OK?