Sunday, February 04, 2007

Da Bears!

In honor of today's Superbowl, a little bit of humor...

Quarterback Brett Farve, after living a full life, died.

When he got to heaven, God started showing him around. They came to a modest little house with a faded Packers' flag in the window.

"This house is yours for eternity, Brett," said God. "This is very special; not everyone gets a house up here. "

Brett felt special, indeed, and walked up to his house. On his way up to the porch, he noticed another house just around the corner. It was a three-story mansion with a blue and orange sidewalk, 50-foot tall flagpole with an enormous Bears logo flag, and in every window, a Blue helmet with a "C" on it.

Brett looked at God and said, "God, I'm not trying to be ungrateful, but I have a question. I was an All-Pro Quarterback, I won a Super Bowl, and I even went to The Hall of Fame."

God said, "So what do you want to know, Brett?"

Brett replied, "Well, why does Walter Payton get a better house than me?"

God chuckled and said, "Brett, that's not Walter Payton's house, it's Mine! Go Bears!!!!"

Saturday, February 03, 2007


OK- Going by the title of this blog, you might think that this entry is about the Bears and the upcoming Superbowl tomorrow (Go Bears!) But actually it is about our dining out experience last night. I'll explain...

Last night, Scot and I went out for Mexican. For those of you that know us, you know that this is NOT a rare occurrence for us. In fact, a typical week has us going out for Mexican at least twice. So last night we were at our new favorite Mexican restaurant, Vallarta's. After we had finished our meals (yum!), we were sitting at the table enjoying the rest of our margaritas and just talking. There were some pieces of shredded lettuce left on the table, and something possessed me to try to blow them across the table to Scot. Scot then playfully started doing the same thing, so the lettuce was at a stand still. Then, I had the brilliant idea to make a game out of it. In preparation for the Superbowl, I told Scot to make his hands into a field goal, (like if you were playing with the little paper triangle footballs.) I then attempted to make a field goal by flicking the lettuce. Well, not surprisingly, it fell considerably short of the goal. I never was much of an athlete.

So then it was Scot's turn. I returned the favor by making my hands into a field goal. Well, the competitive sports fan in Scot then showed its face. Scot geared up, took aim, and flicked the lettuce for his field goal. Well, he flicked the lettuce so hard that it went over my shoulder and hit the person in the booth behind me right in the back! Luckily, we don't think the person felt it. Nonetheless, we were laughing so hard! After a long week at work, it was a good release of laughter. We felt like little kids in junior high having a food fight.