Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My first post!

Well- I have decided to jump on the proverbial band wagon and create a blog of my own. Several of my friends have blogs, and I enjoy checking them regularly to get updates on their lives. I decided that I would start one, as well, in order to try to stay connected with my family and friends that have all become so spread out geographically. As always, I have good intentions to make regular postings, especially since there seems to be a lot going on in my life right now! But then again, I can't make any promises since there seems to be a lot going on in my life right now! :) Either way, I hope you'll stop by periodically to get updates on life in P-town (exciting, I know), and your comments are always welcome and appreciated!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!
Love, Mom