Friday, August 17, 2007

Still alive and playin in p-town...

OK- So I admit it, 6 months may be a little long to go between blog entries. I had actually declared this blog "dead" at one point and resigned to the fact that I am not meant to be a blogger. However, after a little peer pressure from some family and friends, I decided to give it another shot.

We had about six months worth of pictures on our digital camera, and as you can probably guess the memory card was maxed out. I finally downloaded all of the pictures a couple of days ago and thought I would go back and show you what has been going on in our world lately.

It may take a few entries for me to get caught back up with the "present day." But once I do, I hope to keep posting regularly! Wish me luck!


Scott, Victoria, Hannah and Caleb said...

Yeah! You are back! I have your link on my blog! Keep updating!

Kim said...

Thanks! Good to be back, and I hope to keep it going this time. Hope your tree clean-up went well!

amy7252 said...

Glad to have you back ... you guys have been busy!