Sunday, August 26, 2007

Way to go, baby!

We received some exciting news about a week ago. Some of you have already heard, but Scot was recently promoted to Vice President at the credit union! He will now be the Regional Manager over the Peoria area, so he will oversee 13 branches and the contact center. He has been with the company for 18 years now, so he has definitely worked hard for this.

His current boss retires at the end of the year, and he will be offically assuming his new role October 1st. I am so proud of him for this accomplishment, and I know he will be great at it! He has been told that we will have to participate in a lot of community events (it has also been suggested that he invest in a tuxedo as it will be cheaper than renting one multiple times). Scot is not so excited about this, but I am looking forward to it as it will give me an opportunity to meet more people in the area (plus I love to get dressed up!)

Way to go, Scot!

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